As Catholics we are all called to be stewards of the Gospel.
The word “steward” is a translation from a Greek term that is made up of two words:
“house” and “management.” A steward is someone who cares for and manages another
person’s home (and all their possessions.) In the New Testament the word “steward” is found
87 times and Jesus himself twice uses the term in the Gospel of Luke (cf. Lk 12:41-48; Lk 16:1-
13). St. Paul calls himself a “steward” of God who received the gift of the Gospel from Jesus and
now spends his life sharing that gift with others (cf. Eph 3:1-13). Throughout the New
Testament, the Scriptures make one point: all people are God’s stewards because everything
that exists belongs to God.
Stewardship is a life of gratitude – taking time every day to recognize the gifts God has given us
and to be grateful for them. To show our gratitude toward God, we return these gifts in the
form of our time, our talent, and our treasure.
“Normally a half-hour of prayer a day is good unless you are really busy. Then you need a full
hour.” ~ St. Francis de Sales
Stewardship involves spending time with God. We recognize that every day is a gift from
God and we strive to spend some of each day with God in prayer. Prayer can take many
forms including Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, scripture reading, quiet, meditation and
other spiritual activities and during this time we ask God how He wants us to use the
gifts He has given to us.
“No matter who we are, what we have done, or what we have to offer, we can live a
devout life.” ~ St. Francis de Sales
God has given each of us unique skills and talents. When we use them for our
community and for others, we are doing the Lord’s work. We invite you to look at our
various liturgical ministries, parish ministries, and Christian services ministries here at
Holy Family and to get involved.
“Our possessions are not our own. God has given them to us that we may cultivate them
and it is His will that we use them in a way that pleases him. By doing this, we render to
Him an acceptable service.” ~ St. Francis de Sales
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus challenges us to give as it has been given to us. Aware of our
tremendous financial blessings, we strive to give generously for God loves a generous giver (cf.
2 Cor 9:7). Our gift of treasure should be our first fruits, a true sacrifice, and not what is left
over. Instead, we prayerfully look at what we have materially received from God, and we give a
portion of that back as a steward and co-worker with God in the building up of God’s kingdom.
To donate to Holy Family Parish and to our various ministries click here.
“We always do enough when God works with us.” ~ St. Francis de Sales
Each year the parish renders an account of its stewardship of time, talent, and treasure for all
parishioners. Click here to read the report in English or Spanish.
At Holy Family Parish we are blessed to have parishoners who have spoken after Mass to encourage others to be faithful stewards. Here is the testimony of Aimee Tressler on Stewardship, the testimony of Kathi Frank, the testimony of Mistika Young, and the testimony of Dr. Mike Towler.
To learn more about the stewardship of time, talent, and treasure, feel free to watch this video
Msgr. Thomas McGread - McGread Stewardship Conference
For even more information on stewardship, and what that means in our lives, click the link
How to Be a Steward - Father Mike Schmitz